12 Dec The Real Cost of Chronic Disease
Date: December 12, 2019
Time: 1:00PM
Host: Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease
Location: U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, Room HVC 200, Washington, D.C.
RSVP: Jennifer.Burke@fightchronicdisease.org
- Donna Christensen, M.D., Board Member, Consumers for Quality Care and former Congresswoman, Keynote and panelist
- Ken Thorpe, Chairman, Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease, Host and moderator
- Kevin B. Kimble, Esq., Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- TBD, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
General Themes:
This briefing will address critical questions aimed at motivating change, including:
- How does chronic disease affect individual and family income and economic opportunity?
- How does caregiving factor into economic mobility and why are some populations affected more dramatically?
- What can be gained from policies focused on the interplay of health status and socioeconomic status?
- What is being and can be done to address health equity? How will that enable economic opportunity?